The Green Economy sectors operate within a business and financial environment that demands them to adapt to constant change, but there is limited reliable information and data on these sector to evaluate their development. The World Green Economy Indicator is meant to be a true barometer of the state of the Green Economy sectors across their fundamentals. The Indicator aims to introduce a new way of measuring development by combining data of the different elements of the sectors into a singular composite Indicator. This quantified information will help facilitate further comprehension of how the different parts of the market are developing over time.


The World Green Economy Indicator is a composite weighted index that measures the overall development of the green economic sectors by assessing the performance of its parts in line with its broader social obligations. It is a global level composite indicator with selected national and industry component level indicators.


Global Indicator Level

  • Present one single indicator to provide a pulse of the world green economy’s health and development
  • Provide an indicator that is reliable and unbiased
  • Provide a global view of the green economic landscape
  • Inform current and potential green economy stakeholders/investors about the industry’s performance

Country Indicator Level

  • Assess the current state of the green economy in each country
  • Track changes over time and make comparisons across regions and countries

Specific Sector Level

  • Measure the sector’s health and development from various perspectives
  • Enhance sector’s market transparency and efficiency
  • Track changes over time and make comparisons across regions and countries


The World Green Economy Indicator (WGEI) is a single measure that captures a holistic assessment of the green economy industry across all sectors. It is a product of seven key sub-indicators underlining the industry of Green Finance, Green Energy, Green Building, Green Industry, Green Agriculture, Green Transportation and Climate Change.. Disaggregation of data helps expose the disparities, differences and movements that may not be exclusively covered in wide-ranging aggregate terms.

The different components that make up the Indicator were selected based on an outline of the key constituents of the industry as a whole and are based on key contemporary issues covering financial, governance, awareness & social. All are fundamentally important for the development of the industry as a global business.

Data Collection
The data employed in the World Green Economy Indicator when aggregating data and computing indicator values included information that are publicly disclosed only. The employment of disclosed information ensures reliability and consistency of the results.

المؤشر العالمي للاقتصاد الاخضر 

هو مؤشر يصدره المجلس العالمي للاقتصاد الاخضر لقياس توجهات الاقتصاد الأخضر في الدول حول العالم، فهو أداة توضح لصُناع السياسات ومتخذي القرارات علي المستوي المحلي والدولي ومختلف القطاعات الاقتصادية العامه والخاصه والمواطنين بشكلٍ عام، الدول التي تُوجِّه اقتصادها بنجاح إلى مسارات النمو الأخضر، وكذلك الدول التي فشلت في هذا الشأن.