Welcome to the Official Website of the World Green Economy Council


The World Green Economy Council


The World Green Economy Council (WGECO®) is an international organization chartered by USA, Egypt, Rwanda and Indonesia Governments as well as recognized by United Nations Global Compact with registration no 112301 as the first global NGO dedicated to green economy and United Nation with UNGM 745563.

The WGECO is fully recognized and affiliated to the World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP) as an Intergovernmental organization Granted as a Special Consultative to United Nations.

The WGECO officially accredited member of the WORLD HUMANITY COMMISSION [WHC]. It’s Independent and Sovereign Intergovernmental Organization” whose daily diplomatic role is serving humanity; providing better platform upon which peaceful co-existence across people of ethnic background, irrespective of sex, cast, creed, political, culture, and religious lines.

The WGECO is working together with Governments, United Nations, Public and Private sectors and other International Institutions to develop and promote the Green Economy concepts, applications and technologies for the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030.

Our beliefs and aims at WGECO, the 21st century will be an era of zero-carbon economy for zero carbon nations. The low or zero carbon economy provides more economic output by reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing environmental pollution, it is a way and an opportunity to create a higher standard of living and a quality of life and it creates opportunities for the development, application and export of advanced technologies. It also creates new business opportunities and more job opportunities. Characteristics of a low or zero carbon economy include reducing greenhouse gas emissions as the goal and building a system of economic development based on low energy consumption and low pollution, including low or zero carbon energy, technology and industry systems.

Therefore, WGECO continues to advocate and enhance the Zero-Carbon Green Economy towards achieving Zero Carbon Green World for survive and thrive.

The WGECO® organizational framework under the direction of the Board of Governors consists of Committees and Organizations are: World Green Projects Organization (WGPO), Green Academy of Technology & Economy (GATE), Green Industries Federation (GIF), World Green Commerce Organization (WGCO), World Green Certification Commission (WGCC) and World Arbitration Organization (WAO) as well as International Anti-Corruption Council (IACI).

The WGECO is a global network for leaders, practitioners and organizations promoting affordable and consistent green system and advocating for green economy leadership. It is a world green federation of more than 40 organizations and 5000 experts around the world, these organizations are legal entities to impart green economy programs in the countries of their existence. The WGECO activities including but not limited to: Green Energy, Green Jobs, Green Transportation, Green Building, Green Industry, Green Logistics & Supply Chain, Green Investment, Green Information System and Green Technology.

The WGECO leads the direction and fosters the growth of the Green profession through actively setting standards and building the capability of the profession. Moreover, Its programs and services are internationally recognized for their excellence and effectiveness by prominent professional and academic bodies around the world.




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