Mission & Objectives
الاكاديمية العالمية للتكنولوجيا والاقتصاد
The Global Academy of Technology and Economy (GATE) is an affiliated organ of the World Green Economy Council (WGECO), and aiming to create informational support for global transition to global “green” economy and contribute to the growth of potential in decision-makers, executives, companies, NGOs and all those who wish to facilitate to the global sustainable development.
Increasing the educational capacity of government bodies, national companies, the business sector and civil society in the field of global “green” economy and scientific and analytical support for the implementation process of the Concept for Republic of Kazakhstan’s transition to “green” economy.
- organization of workshop-training programs for representatives of the government bodies, NGO and companies, business structures in the field of “green” economy, “green” business, international standards, validation, verification of greenhouse gas and participation in carbon trading, eco-marketing, etc. areas;
- conduction of scientific researches in the field of elaboration of “green economy”;
- conduction of the on-line lectures, seminars, conferences on the G-Global platform;
- formation of “green ideas” bank and expertise of “green” projects;
- consulting in the field of environmental protection and green economy.